The beautiful Quercus phellos, commonly called Willow Oak Tree, is easy to grow and a wonderful addition to any landscape!
This has willow shaped leaves that are glossy light green in color and a very fast growth rate. The oak is a member of the red oak group. Willow Oak’s leaf gets the name from its long, willow-like leaves. It is and is commonly found in the eastern and central United States.
Mature willow Oak trees produce small acorns 1/2 inch to 1 inch in size. These nuts attract squirrels and birds to your landscape. Acorn production begins after 15 years of age and continues as the tree matures.
Yellowish green flowers will bloom beginning in April as its bristle tipped leaves begin to reappear. The slender leaves turn a bright yellow brown before falling to the ground in autumn. The green leaves are 2-8 inches long and can grow medium to large in size and provide excellent fall colors.
Trees can typically grow in medium to moist, well-drained soil conditions and full sun. But it will also tolerate a wide range of soil types and planting sites like light shade, clay soils, , and wet soils or soils with poor drainage.
Since it’s especially attractive due to its ability to tolerate air pollution, therefore a common street tree along with many U.S. cities from New York, Washington DC, and south to Florida. It is also natively found in these areas as well.
These are fast growing during the spring and summer months. The willow oak can reach up to 40 to 75 feet tall and 30 to 40 feet wide at maturity making it a huge ! The willow oak growth rate is up to 2 feet per year.
No need for pruning willow oak trees! The only exception is if another branch is competing for growth against the central leader. .
Willow Oak grows across the United States in USDA growing zones 5-9. Plant it somewhere it can grow for the long term. Water thoroughly the first year of planting to establish a strong root system. It is fairly drought tolerant once established in ideal conditions.
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Willow Oak Tree